Are you looking to contact a credit reporting agency to obtain free your credit or to dispute an item in your credit history? Would you like to freeze access to your credit history but don’t know who to contact? Don’t worry, this article will cover and provide you the Credit Bureaus Contact Information that you need.

Everyone at some point will need to contact a credit reporting agency and when you do you want to make sure that you have all the correct information on who your contacting.

What is a Credit Reporting Agency

Anytime you apply for credit your personal information is run against what is basically a database of your debt history and payments.

What is returned is your outstanding debt information, payment history, and a credit score based on that information.

What your lender does is take all the information in and decides if they want to lend you money and if so at what interest rate.

The credit reporting agencies supply your lenders with all the information in order for them to make a decision.

Credit Reporting Agency Wrong information

What if the information that the credit reporting agency has on you is wrong? Maybe a payment issue is still outstanding on your history.  The first thing you want to do is obtain a credit report from each credit reporting agency. The good news is that you can obtain a report for free at

Once you receive your credit report you want to go through its history. See if there is anything that is outstanding, that you feel is wrong or should be corrected.

Reasons to Contact Credit Agency

There are a couple reasons why people contact credit agencies, one of them is to obtain copies of their credit report, the other is to freeze their credit and the last one is to dispute issues within their credit report. 

We will provide the best method of contact for each issue. The last thing you want to do is contact a credit rating agency, be given the run around and then not having your issue resolved.

               To Get your credit report

In 2003 through the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003, congress made it a law that your able to obtain a free credit report from each credit rating agency. 

Your entitled to one free credit report from each reporting agency once every 12 months. They also in the process setup a special website Free Credit Report which allows you to request the credit reports through. So instead of going to each agency site you can do it through this website.

               To Freeze your credit.

Unfortunately, there is no central web site established where you can go and freeze your credit at all three credit rating agencies. So you have to go to each one and credit it. Provided below are the direct links for each site.

Equifax credit freeze

Phone:  1-800-685-1111

Website: Equifax Credit Freeze website

Experian credit freeze

Phone:  1-888-EXPERIAN (1-888-397-3742)

Website: Experian Credit Freeze website

TransUnion credit freeze

Phone: 1-888-909-8872

Website: TransUnion Credit Freeze website

Either method of contact will work, I think the website method is more convenient, as you can do it on your own pace and if you need to write something down, your personal pin number you can do it without feeling rush as you may on the phone.  You’ll also need to visit the same sites if you want to unlock your credit, so you may want to bookmark the sites.

To dispute an error on your credit report.

The last most common reason for contacting the reporting agencies is if your disputing something that you came across your credit report.

In these cases it is best that you contact the credit reporting agency where the error is via snail mail along with a written letter, and your proof.

Here is why its best to mail them in these cases. If you had resolved your issue with your lender, your lender mailed you a letter or statement stating the issue closed, you can then send that proof to the reporting agencies and request them correct the issue.

It is harder to resolve that over the phone as they will require to see the documents and none of the three allow for such issues to be resolved over their website.

I would also suggest that after a week or two of mailing them your paperwork that you would follow up with a phone call to confirm that the documents have been received and the issue is being addressed.

Additionally, you may want to contact the credit reporting agency before mailing them your documents to confirm which address, they want any documents mailed.

Some companies have processing centers outside their main offices where they like to have such documents mailed to and therefore you want to confirm the correct address before mailing your personal documents.

Credit Bureaus Contact Information

Listed below are the credit reporting agencies complete contact information, including their address and phone. 

TransUnion LLC

P.O. Box 2000
Chester, PA 19016-2000
(800) 916-8800

Equifax Information Services, LLC

P.O. Box 105788
Atlanta, GA 30348-5788
(888) 298-0045 (for customer care)


P.O. Box 4500
Allen, TX 75013
(888) 397-3742 (for disputes)


There could be a number of different reasons why you would need to contact a credit reporting agency. Our article provided the most common reason and the best method to resolve those issues. Which ever reason or contact method you select, you hopefully will find all the information you need in our article